Providing quality, comprehensive assessment services to better the lives of children and their families.
Areas of Practice
Katie Beckett Deeming WAiver/Now Comp WAiver
Our practice is well versed in Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver and NOW/COMP waiver requirements for evaluation and understands the short time frames in which these evaluations must be completed.
Children may benefit from testing for a variety of reasons, such as under performing at school, social difficulties, exhibiting behavior problems at home or school, or experiencing significant irritability, sadness, or anxiety. Evaluations are completed to assess for a variety of concerns, including Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), behavioral disorders, or emotional disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety).Through psychological assessment and treatment planning services, we guide parents in an empathic manner in which to better understand the issues their child is facing and effective solutions to target these challenges.
Gifted EvaluationS
Dr. Cohen is experienced in evaluating for giftedness as well as twice exceptional.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and DEVELOPMENTAL Evaluations
We utilize the gold standard in ASD evaluation, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2), along with other clinical measures, behavioral observations, and information obtained during caregiver interviews to gain a comprehensive picture of your child's strength and weaknesses. In addition to initial evaluations to provide a diagnosis, we also conduct re-evaluations to help monitor progress and update treatment plans as needed.
psychoeducational evaluations
While most educational testing is not covered by insurance, our team works hard to make sure as much of your child's evaluation as possible is covered and then provide affordable options to add on any additional testing that you and the provider determine are needed to answer questions regarding your child's academic performance. Psychoeducational testing can help better understand an individual's need for supports at school, as most children are eager to learn, but become frustrated when the way they learn does not fit with common school practices. Psychoeducational testing assesses a child's intellectual abilities and academic achievement, and may also include more in-depth assessment of reading, written language, and mathematical knowledge, as well as evaluation in specific areas such as problem-solving, language and verbal reasoning, memory, executive functioning, and visual-spatial ability.
We consult with your medical providers, members of the educational team, and treatment providers as needed to help guarantee that your child's needs are met. We also continue to consult with you, the parent, as the most important member of your child's team.
While we focus on kids, there are times where we know our practice is a good fit for adults needing services, ranging from evaluation for ASD, to seeking accommodations in college, to pursuing guardianship for special needs adults.
Kindergarten readinesS
We are excited to offer a new service to help families make the right decision regarding their child’s kindergarten readiness. Please click here for more information.
“The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you discover the reason why. ”